Here are you may find the list of most popular baby girl names nowadys that start with letter "H and I." The top ones included Hannah, Harper, Hadley, Haylee, Isabella, Isabel and Ivy.
Check out more, our compilation of the best ones that are welcomed by most parents for naming their new baby girls.
HANNAH | Hebrew | God's grace |
HAILEY | Scandinavian | Hero |
HARPER | English | harpist, minstrel |
HALEY | Scandinavian | Hero |
HADLEY | English | heather meadow |
HAYDEN | English | hay meadow |
HAZEL | English | the hazel tree |
HARMONY | English | A beautiful blending |
HOPE | English | Hope |
HAYLEE | English | hay meadow |
HEAVEN | English | a place of safety |
Most popular girl names that start with letter H and I, with the origins and meanings:
HEIDI | German | Noble |
HOLLY | French | Shrub |
HELEN | Greek | Shining light |
HAYLEY | English | From the hay meadow |
HARLEY | English | hare meadow |
HANNA | Hebrew | God's grace |
HAILEE | English | hay meadow |
HAVEN | English | a place of safety |
HELENA | Greek | sun ray, shining light |
HALLIE | English | Feminine form of Henry |
HALLE | Scandinavian | Heroine |
HARLOW | English | army hill |
HEATHER | English | evergreen flowering plant |
HALEIGH | English | Field of hay |
HADASSAH | Hebrew | myrtle tree |
HAYLIE | English | Field of hay |
HAYLEIGH | English | hay meadow |
HANA | Hebrew | God's grace |
HATTIE | English | Rules her household |
Most popular girl names that start with letter I, with the origins and meanings.
ISABELLA | Hebrew | God's promise |
ISABELLE | Hebrew | God's promise |
ISABEL | Hebrew | God's promise |
IZABELLA | Hebrew | God's promise |
IVY | Greek | Ivy plant, A wine |
ISLA | Scottish | a river name |
IRIS | Hebrew | Flower |
IMANI | Arabian | belief, faith |
ITZEL | Spanish | star of the aurora sky |
ISIS | African | Supreme Goddess |
ISABELA | Hebrew | God's promise |
IRENE | Spanish | Peace |
ILIANA | Spanish | Shining light |
IVANNA | Hebrew | Gift from God |
INGRID | Scandinavian | Ing's beauty |
IZABELLE | Hebrew | God's promise |
ISABELL | Hebrew | God's promise |
Are their any of those popular names (starting H and I) that you enjoyed the most?
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